    Crazy Cellist 


 "PlayStation Op. 1" 

     PSYQ Source


 Just a tiny little PSX 'tro, 
 with a few sights and sounds 
 from the old days.

Greets/Thanks: Danzig, Nik, Nagra, Silpheed, 
               Brainwalker, Now3D, AVH, Ogre,
               Loser, Tursi, Groepaz, Madman,
               Yums, Bufferman, and everybody 
               else hacking away in #psxdev.

I also included a >cheap< little utility 
that converts a binary datafile into a 
char[] array .H to #include in your C prog.  

It was a quick hack that I never got 
around to touching up (you have to manually 
edit the last "," out of the file) but it 
worked easy enough for all my TIM/MOD data...

I haven't touched the files since I released 
the intro back in June...figured I might as 
well share the source too...

btw: ignore the main() warning:
        void vs int return...

paranoia trivia:2000 - 0x10 = 1984
George must have slipped a bit...